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The pros and cons associated with solar panels may differ from person to person, depending on the individual circumstance and priorities! Here we have covered some of the main pros and cons allowing you to see what is involved and should be considered when you’re thinking about your solar installation.

Pros Cons
Reduced electricity bills Weather dependent Less energy produced on the ‘duller’ days
Reduced reliance on National Grid Batteries can provide ‘back-up’ to certain circuits when there is a power-cut High investment costs High upfront costs for the installation
Low maintenance costs Rain is handy! Aesthetics Some believe solar panels are unsightly, however things have come on a long way eg integrated panels and sleek black-on-black panels now available
Green/ environmentally friendly Renewable energy source and reduces carbon emissions Property differences Due to trees and other factors affecting shading, site surveys can be carried out to ensure the right package for your home ensure its optimal for the best solar self-generation.
Excess energy can be sold back to the grid Via Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)
The green energy can be used to charge your electric vehicle
Increase property value Increased savings for the next property owner
Planning permission isn’t required Adding solar panels to your home is classed as a “Permitted Development” and therefore, standard solar panel installations do not require planning permission.Planning permission should be obtained if your home is a listed building, world heritage site or the installation does not meet standard guidelines.

If you have any questions surrounding the above, or you would like to book a site survey or quotation, please call our office!

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